This report explains our strategy, our operating environment, the key opportunities and risks in our South African and UK markets, our financial and non-financial performance, and our expectations for the year ahead.

We focus on material sustainability matters. We determine these matters through board discussions, market research, stakeholder engagement, continual risk assessments and reviews of prevailing trends in our industry and the global economy. This report does not discuss sustainability matters which we do not consider material.


This report presents the financial results and the economic, environmental, social and governance performance of the group for the financial year ended 31 March 2019. Its content encompasses all divisions and subsidiaries of the group, across all regions of operation in South Africa and the UK.


The company’s external auditors, KPMG Inc., have independently audited the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2019. Their unqualified audit report is set out here. The scope of their audit is limited to the information set out in the annual financial statements from page 96 to 180.


The company’s contact details are available for download.


This report contains forward-looking statements regarding the group’s results and operations which, by their nature, involve risk and uncertainty as they relate to events that depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Readers are therefore cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements have not been reviewed or reported on by the group’s external auditors.


The audit and risk committee and the board acknowledge their responsibility to ensure the integrity of this report. It has been reviewed by the audit and risk committee, the board, company secretary and sponsor. The financial statements included in this integrated annual report have been audited by the external auditors.

Paul Theodosiou


Stephen Lucas

Financial director

Gavin Lucas

Chief executive officer

Gareth Fox

Chairman: Audit and risk committee